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How can your major make the world a better place

My  profession has the possibility of being able to create spaces that can be inhabited by people & feel better about themselves, thats one of the most beautyful carachteristics of arquitecture on the other side im passionate about public politics , so im studying so i can guarantee in the future a dignity living space for any person in our society.

For that is necessary to implement laws that should stablish the living space as a right to the citizens & also quiality builded houses.

The home is one of the most important aspects for the people this is the place were the life goes on and human interactions are made were bonds are created, histories shared the social relationships are entitled to preceed the future of a civilization.


  1. We really need to improve people's quality of life. It’s degrading that there are still people who cannot live with dignity.

  2. You are right in all that you wrote, we as future architects must improve how people live and support standards rise


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