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A meal or food you really like

When you ask me for my favorite food, my answer is fast, humitas are the best meal that could ever exist, is really sad that it could be cooked just between december and february, but my obsession makes me frozen it and I can eat them during the whole year. 

Humitas are made with corn, onion, sometimes with chili pepper. I honestly love corn and I think it is one of my favorite vegetables but I really prefer it as a humita.

Is not a dangerous food, if we talk about nutritional facts, they are cooked but sometimes to reheat them I fry them and in some way it could be harmful for me but worth it, moreover, I don't know how to cook, but my mom does and she cook delicious and I really enjoy everything she does and finally humitas are a reason why I love summer. 


  1. I really love them!! But I’m one of the people who prefer it with sugar instead tomatoes... I like much more the combination of flavors that it produces and explodes in the mouth. 😋🌽🛐

  2. The only thing I like about summer is for this reason ¡humitas! I am the team of humitas with sugar hahaha and that if it´s bad for the health :,)

  3. ¡humitas!!, are very tasty, especially with tomato and sugar, jejeje, call me crazy but when you mix it... wow...


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